8 Superfoods For PCOS

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Studies are finding that most diseases and illnesses are caused by a poor diet and lifestyle choices.

Many of these conditions can be prevented with lifestyle interventions.

And while no one knows how or why women have PCOS, a poor diet can only exacerbate signs and symptoms.

But have no fear, there are also foods that help heal your PCOS symptoms.  

Food is medicine! So here is a list of superfoods for PCOS.

1. Avocados

This superfood is a healthy fat or a monounsaturated fat.

Healthy fats are good for women with PCOS because they actually improve heart disease risk factors.

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Avocados are anti-inflammatory and loaded with antioxidants.

Another surprising fact that people don’t know is that avocados are loaded with fiber.

2. Nuts  

For years now, health professionals have been touting how good nuts are for you.

They satiate you and are another source of heart-healthy fats.

Even Dr. Oz recommends snacking on nuts when you need a boost of energy.

Nuts are a PCOS Superfood.

Nuts are a PCOS Superfood.


3. Salmon

This type of fish is loaded with Omega-3 Fatty Acids which are beneficial for brain functioning, heart health, eyesight, healthy skin, bone and joint health, and cancer prevention.

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Salmon is also high in vitamin B-12 and vitamin D. Two vitamins women with PCOS tend to be low in.

Just be sure you are eating wild caught because farm-raised can be pumped full of hormones and chemicals.

4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is one of my personal favorites. I like to sprinkle it on a lot of different foods or in my tea.

Cinnamon is a PCOS superfood because it increases your sensitivity to insulin.

Studies show that 1500 mg of cinnamon can aid in regulating your menstrual cycle.

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A lot of women have insulin resistance and this spice can help with that and it is an added bonus that it tastes great too!

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5. Apple cider vinegar

This is another important one as it also relates to insulin sensitivity.

Ingesting a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar after meals will decrease blood sugar spikes.

Here’s a tip, make sure you dilute the apple cider vinegar in some water first so it is palatable.

Want to know more? Read all the details in this article about apple cider vinegar for PCOS.

Apple Cider Vinegar is a PCOS Superfood

Apple Cider Vinegar is a PCOS Superfood


6. Chia seeds

Chia seeds have so many benefits. They are high in fiber, omega-3 fats, protein, and vitamins and minerals.

Fiber helps with balancing insulin levels as well as keeping that pesky appetite at bay.

Chia seeds are also high in calcium and will help you maintain strong bones.

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In addition, chia seeds are a great way to get protein that is not from an animal source.

7. Broccoli

Broccoli is a powerhouse. It is a known cancer preventer and is one of the best ways to get your calcium in without having to eat dairy.

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Broccoli does wonders at detoxifying the body from free radicals.

Here’s an important tip; to get the most benefit out of your broccoli just steam it. Overcooking it can deplete its nutrients and positive effects.

8. Spearmint

Spearmint is great for lowering testosterone levels.

Spearmint is a PCOS Superfood

Spearmint is a PCOS Superfood


Many women with PCOS tend to have elevated testosterone levels in their bodies.

This should help with acne, hirsutism, and regulate your cycle.

The best way to incorporate spearmint in your diet is with a cup of tea a couple of times a day.


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