Oh boy! I'm having a little boy and I couldn't be more excited. PCOS & Pregnancy is possible naturally! | PCOS Living

Here is an update on my pregnancy! I am currently 20 weeks pregnant (and officially am showing) and feeling pretty good! We just had our developmental ultrasound to see how the baby is progressing and to make sure everything is on target and looking good. It is at this ultrasound that you can also find out the gender if you choose.

My husband and I definitely wanted to know so we could be prepared; we are planners!  Well, as you probably already know from my picture, we are having a little boy! :) We couldn't be more excited to know that we are having a boy and to be able to call him by name now (sorry, you will have to wait on the name and details).

Our little boy is right on target for size weighing 9 ounces, and there were no signs that anything looks suspect. He looks happy and healthy! What more could you ask for? He was even sucking this thumb during the ultrasound and the technician caught it in the pictures. He is moving around a lot, but I haven't felt him yet because the way my placenta is positioned it is acting as a pillow between us. The doctor said it shouldn't be too long before I start feeling those first flutters. I can't wait!

I feel so blessed to be bringing this little boy into the world! Everything I did to get healthy was for this little one! Obviously all of my hard work and positive changes paid off! This child is loved more than he will ever know.

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