C-section Recovery Kit


Looking for a c-section recovery kit? Then you are in the right place.

Both my kids are c-section babies, one c-section was unexpected and the other was planned. If you aren’t able to have babies vaginally then you know having a c-section is hard.

I had two different experiences and recoveries and having lived it I can tell you that knowing what to expect and how to handle it can make recovery so much easier. With that said, I have seen a bunch of lists about items you need for post c-section recovery and, to be honest, I wonder who wrote them because some of the items are a waste or they have never recovered from a c-section themselves.

As someone who has done it twice, I can tell you these are the REAL items you need to have in your c-section recovery kit to have a smoother recovery.

First off, let me start by saying, you are a warrior momma. Recovering from MAJOR abdominal surgery is no joke. It does not make you any less of a mom or woman for having your baby(ies) this way. The important thing is that both the baby and momma are safe and healthy. 

If this is going to be your first c-section I would suggest that you ask your doctors a lot of questions and become familiar with the procedure so that you know what to expect and can mentally prepare. A c-section is a very different experience and can be scary and intimidating (I’m speaking from experience).

After surgery, it takes about 6 weeks for your incision to heal but takes a full 18 months to fully recover from a c-section. Following a cesarean delivery, there are a lot of restrictions compared to if you had a vaginal birth. You can’t drive, you can lift anything heavier than your baby, you need to be careful bending and reaching- so any household chores like laundry and grocery shopping are out of the question. No exercise, no baths, no sex, and don’t insert anything into your vagina e.g. no tampons.

Now, let me tell you something- follow the rules and don’t try to push your body to do these things -that can lead to an infection and can cause your incision to reopen and delay healing. You definitely don’t want this. So follow the guidelines that the doctor gives you.

So if you know you are going to have a c-section and are looking to prepare for your recovery or you just had your c-section and want to make your recovery a little easier then you are in the right place. This is the real list of what c-section recovery essentials you need. Here is my list of items that I used and that made my healing so much better. 

The items listed are accompanied by affiliate links, meaning I earn a small commission if a purchase is made through my links. This has no impact on the cost to the consumer. I link to products this way whenever possible, and it has no bearing on the products I choose to review or recommend.

C-section Recovery Kit

  1. Abdominal Binder

An abdominal binder is a must!

I used one with both of my c-sections and I can tell you they were game-changers.

The binders help to keep everything in and make you feel secure. Any type of movement after is going to hurt but when I wore my binder the pain level decreased dramatically.

I wore it day and night because the last thing you want to do is have any sudden movements when you have been cut open.

And the binder will be a godsend when you either have to cough, sneeze, or laugh. So invest in a good quality one that you can wear.


2. Tylenol and Motrin

Tylenol and Motrin will become your best friends.

You will want both because you can alternate them or take them together. Most people are shocked and surprised when I tell them that besides during the surgery, I used Tylenol and Motrin to manage my pain. So yes, it is possible.

The key to doing it this way is to not miss a dose. You have to stay ahead of the pain. Now everyone’s pain tolerance is different and if you need prescriptions pain meds that’s cool too but eventually, the doctor will want to switch over to over-the-counter meds so it is best to be stocked up and prepared.

3. Pads

A lot of women don’t realize this but yes you still bleed after a c-section birth. Once the placenta is removed, the uterus needs to heal and shrink back down to its pre-pregnancy size. Just for reference when you give birth your uterus is the size of a watermelon and pre-pregnancy is about the size of a pear.

Most women will bleed for about 6 weeks give or take. It varies from woman to woman and from birth to birth.

But during that time you will need pads. I would recommend long, thin overnight size at first and you can adjust as the bleeding begins to slow and decrease. And remember you can’t use tampons during this time due to a risk of infection.

4. High waisted Underwear

Get those granny panties ready!! You will want high-waisted underwear because your incision site will be very raw and sensitive.

You do not want anything touching or rubbing against it. And to be honest, to this day, even after fully recovering I don’t like underwear or pants to lay on my incision. I prefer high-waisted apparel now.

Make sure you stock up on these because you will need them for at least 6 weeks if not longer. It depends on how sensitive your incision site is and how well you healed as well as personal preference.


5. Stool softener

Yes, you will want to take a stool softener. The last thing you want to do is get constipated after surgery. You want that first bowel movement to be easy breezy and a nonevent. Take it from someone who did not do this after her first c-section and had a bad first experience...I’ll leave it at that.


6. Prunes

Why do you need prunes if you are taking a stool softener?

The softener will do just that, it will make your stool softer but the prunes will make it so that you can go.

The nurses in the hospital will offer you laxatives to help you go which can cause diarrhea. Go the natural route instead and have a couple of prunes a day and you will have no troubles.

Stool softener + prunes = happy bowels. Trust me on this one!


7. Silicone Scar Sheets

This item is one that I discovered before my second c-section and it is a game-changer.

The silicone scar sheets are super easy to use, and they help to flatten your scar, reduce redness and improve healing.

And let me tell you, these work! I specifically used this brand.

My scars are barely noticeable because this treatment works. My scars are flat and some days I don’t even notice them because they blend in so nicely.

So if you want a nice-looking scar and who doesn’t, invest in these.


8. Grabber Tool

Bending down and reaching for things are a no go and when you do it- it hurts like a bitch. So let me introduce you to your new best friend, the grabber tool.

This tool has saved me more times than I can tell you. So add it to your cart now, you won’t regret it. I still use mine today even though I don’t need to lol!


9. Slippers

After surgery, your feet will swell a ton! Like you won’t even recognize your feet. Don’t worry this is normal because of all the fluids that they pumped into your IV during surgery. It will take a while for the swelling to reduce.

So I suggest you bring roomy/stretchy slippers that you can easily slide on. And remember you aren’t going to want to be bending over to put on or tie your shoes.

These were a lifesaver for me. I couldn’t fit my feet into my regular shoes for a couple of weeks.


10. My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow

This one only really applies to moms who want to breastfeed. No judgment if that isn't for you. But as a breastfeeding mom myself, this was a lifesaver.

Nursing a baby is tough no matter what but trying to nurse after a c-section is hard and can be painful if you don’t have the right tools. A baby wants to be close to you and they squirm and kick and getting hit in the abdomen after surgery would make a grown man cry.

I tried all the pillows because I had a lazy/horrible nurser with my first but it was the My Brest Friend Nursing Pillowthat was the best. Sorry Boppy!


Summing Up Your C-Section Recovery Kit

Anything more than what I listed is probably overkill and unnecessary. As a veteran, I can tell you if you use these c-section recovery items you will have a smoother and quicker recovery and be back up and running in no time.

Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! Enjoy all those precious snuggles and I wish you a speedy and uneventful recovery. You got this!


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Everything you need for your C-Section Recovery Kit. These products will help your healing be so much easier.