6 Effective Ways to Motivate & Inspire You to Work Out

It can be hard to find motivation to work out. Here are 6 effective tips to get you to the gym even when you don't fee like it. // Workout Motivation Tips // Get motivated to workout // 6 reasons to workout | PCOSLiving.com

Let’s face it; we all have days where we just don’t feel like doing anything.


We would rather do anything than exercise. Often we find ourselves procrastinating or making excuses. The struggle is real! So I thought I would share some words of wisdom that should convince you to get your butt into high gear.


Here are 6 effective way to motivate you and inspire you to work out even when you don't want to.


1.       A good workout will literally make you feel better. When you exercise, you will experience an increase in endorphin. Endorphin helps you feel calm and relaxed, and they reduce pain. So a workout is an automatic stress reliever.

2.       Exercise helps with your quality of sleep. Who doesn’t want to be well-rested? Sleep is so important because it allows the body to repair and recover. After a grueling workout, you are more likely to sleep soundly through the night.

sleep management

3.       Any workout is better than NO workout!  Most people are sedentary because they are working behind a computer for the vast majority of their day. So remember any type of movement is better than none. If you can’t give it your all, choose alternatives that still get you moving like walking or yoga. The body was made to move and be active.


4.       Be stronger than your strongest excuse! Let’s face it, we can come up with any excuse to not workout. Creating excuses are easy, being strong enough to overcome our excuses is hard work.


5.       Remember why you started.  What’s your motivation? Sometimes we need to reflect on why we do what we do. It helps to put things into perspective.


6.       Smoking bodies aren’t made on the couch! If you want to have the bikini body you have been dreaming about, you need to put in the effort. It takes dedication and hard work to hit your goals. You can have the body you want if you are willing to put in the time and energy.

getting healthy and fit

So now that you have finished reading this, suit up and get your sweat on! You will be happy that you did! No one ever regrets a workout!

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