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How to Get the Most Out of Your Visit With a Nutritionist Part 2: The Nutritionist's Role

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Hopefully, you already read Part 1 about your role in the process. If you haven’t make sure you read that post first! Now that you know what your part is in the process, I will explain what you can expect from your nutritionist.

1.      Create a detailed plan specifically for you.  The plan they create should be geared and focused on your individual needs. The nutritionist will be taking into account your height, weight, age, activity level, and basal metabolic rate (BMR) when they are forming a plan. They also need to know any specific medical conditions you’re being treated for. This information is crucial so they can tailor a precise plan that will meet all of your dietary needs. The plan should break down how many calories you should be eating, the number of meals, the portions of macronutrients i.e. carbohydrates, fats, and protein, and portions sizes of common food staples.

2.      Provide you with food recommendations. A nutritionist should suggest foods that would be beneficial for you. They can even provide ways in which you should pair foods when eating.  They will most likely steer you clear of certain foods as well because they understand how it will affect you and your body.

3.      Explain portion sizes. Most people do not know what an accurate portion size looks like. A nutritionist should have models of sample foods and measuring cups to show you the true picture. Be prepared to have your mind blown!

4.      They follow-up with you. A good nutritionist will want to have you come back in a couple of weeks after your initial appointment. They will want to see how it's going and know about your progress. This allows them to make any adjustments that might be needed. They can guide you on specific product questions as well as answer any questions that you might have about eating, timing, portioning, and recipes, etc.

5.      Monitor your goals. They should be tracking data related to your health goals including your weight, blood work results, cholesterols, etc. They can then determine your progress and help you attain your goals. It will keep you motivated once you see positive steps in the right direction.

6.      Ask you if you have questions or need clarification. A nutritionist will want to make sure everything is clear and that you understand the process. Don’t worry about asking questions. They want to help you and don’t mind explaining things to you.

7.      Provide you with a detailed printout with your objectives and eating plan. You should leave with a hard copy of your plan to reference. They do throw a lot at you, and it will be foreign to you in the beginning until you do it, and it becomes habit, so having everything in writing will be extremely helpful.

8.      Give you a way to contact them if questions or concerns arise before the next meeting. You will run into questions, and it is important to get them answered. They should provide you will a method to contact them. Don’t be afraid to reach out, a lot of times the answer is very straightforward and common, and they can get back to you and ease your concerns relatively easily.

I hope you found this information helpful and that it prepares you for your first visit with a nutritionist. I think working with a good nutritionist is crucial. I know my nutritionist has helped me achieve my goals and been a great encourager.


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